School's in. Guess it's time to get off the bench and quit griping...after this one last complaint>>
The sure sign that you're getting old is when you keep referring to the past as "the good old days."
You know: In the good old days we wore garter belts--darned if I know how we managed to walk when we hooked our bobby socks up to 'em!
In the good old days parents didn't hear the kind of disrespect they hear from teens today. Of course, hearing aids have improved----
In the good old days, we had to memorize the names of all the presidents--of course, there were fewer then.
But that brings up the subject of school. Of course it could just be that time seems to go faster for a Beyonder, but school seems to come sooner each year. It started here on August 17th. A lot of parents haven't even taken their summer vacation by then.
WHAT ARE THEY THINKING! ( The school board, I mean.)
I noticed on the school calendar that there are 12 no-school days built into the school year besides holidays for something called "teacher inservices."
Now, if a teacher isn't teaching, isn't he "out of service?
Presumably, they need this time to plan and learn new teaching methods and drink Pepsi.
Oh, the poor teachers of yesteryear!
How did they survive without teacher inservices?
And if we, the parents, decide to take our child out of school and treat them to a tour of--say, the Denver Mint, you know, an educational field trip--it rocks the system. We need pre-excused absences. We need permission to take our own children with us. And if we don't get that permission, the child is docked a grade point. How is it that we can't take our children out of school one day, but teachers can dismiss them 12 days a year?
My foster child had counseling in a neighboring town once a week. In previous years, we just had them note that on his charts. Now, even if I sign him out, I have to have a note from the psychologist saying that is where I actually took the kid.
But school is in session, and there is nothing I can do about it. I am back to checking homework ( hey, did you ever look at an answer, go "HMMM" and tell the kid to check it again--all because you had no idea of how to solve it? I have. Ha ha. ) Seriously, there are a number of sites that offer free online IMMEDIATE help with homework questions. There are links to several on my web site, along with short descriptions of the sites. Click on this page: http://beyonderqueen.net/id19.html
And, if your back's been bothering you lately, try unhooking your bobby socks from those little metal fasteners on the garter belt. Oh well, even that looks a lot more comfortable than having a thong shoved between---oh well, you get the point. In the good old days, we didn't------
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