When is "old" OLD?
I mean, when do you cross over that hair's breadth line between middle-aged and old?
I thought about it the other day, when the question of MY age came up. (When are you going to apply for your Social Security payments? You know, you are eliglible now.)
I decided age is in the eye of the beholder ( provided he's not too vain to wear his bifocals.)
You are old when: You wear your sneakers untied not because it is the fashion, but because it will take you ten minutes to tie them IF you can bend down that far.
You are old when: You can't rush to the bathroom at the high school basketball game half-time because it takes you eight minutes just to get off the bleachers.
You are old when: You put your jaw out by biting down too hard on the dried cranberry in your granola cereal.
You are old when: You experience a horrific moment in the bathroom because you are desperate and you can't get your skirt up, but then you remember you're wearing gauchos.
You are old when: You keep asking questions at a parent teacher conference because you suspect you won't be able to get out of that little desk when your turn is over
You are old when you take the time to read through a blog entry like this just to see if it applies to you.
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