At the Bottom of the Steps

At the Bottom of the Steps

Monday, December 06, 2010

Merry Christmas, Deadbeat.

Congress battles over many things: building a bridge where there is no reason for one, studying the mating habits of slugs and, oh yes, extending unemployment benefits another year. I understand the bridge thing...maybe it's esthetically pleasing. And the slugs? Well, if studing the mating habits of slugs keeps some of our politicians from soliciting call girls...hoorah!
But unemployment?
Okay, I know it's hard to find a job in today's economy. At least, the right kind of job. In some areas of our country, there is employment available, but it doesn't pay what unemployment pays. Or even welfare.
I get that people are struggling. I get that an unemployed CEO wants employment as a CEO, or at least he wants a job which allows him to use his business savvy and to sit behind a desk. But you know what? THOSE jobs are the ones that disappeared...the jobs that are out there right now are for restaurant servers and street workers and tire shop employees.
The idea that some people have ( I'll just stay on unemployment until something in MY field opens up) doesn't work. SOME people have found a new career: they're Professionally Unemployed. I know of some people who are making more than $30,000 a year on benefits. Hey! THEY WORK FOR YOU. YOU ARE PAYING THEM TO SIT ON THEIR BUTTS.
I AM NOT against unemployment benefits, but I think there should be some way to get at them case-by-case. And if people can't make enough to get by on salaries, the State could supplement their wages...SUPPLEMENT, not SUPPLY.
There are great people out there who aren't milking the system...who are trying to find ANY employment, and it's those people who deserve our assistance. But the minority...the ones who are home watching daytime TV and taking middle-of-the-day naps on your dime...the ones who say they can't afford to work because they make more on the dole...HEY, YOU! THE COUNTRY CAN'T AFFORD FOR YOU NOT TO WORK.
There are too many honest people out busting their butts doing hard work at minimum wage, supporting you.
If the benefits expire, I'll bet a lot of people will just "suddenly" find work. But that won't help the honest people who really HAVE been looking for anything. Whose self-esteem will not allow them to sit on the public dole. It's a difficult problem. We need to figure it out.

1 comment:

Brandon said...

Well said Caryl. I have a friend who in my view has milked the system. ;(