At the Bottom of the Steps

At the Bottom of the Steps

Friday, December 31, 2010

A New Years Note to My Family.

Dad's been bemused lately by a semi truck we saw when we were going to Ogallala. Well, not really the truck; he sees those every day. It was the message on the side.

Jesus is coming back on May 21, 2011.

Now I'm not into dates. I mean, not that kind. I think Jesus meant it when he said that no one knew the day or the hour when God would decide to send Him back for the "kids."
But each day we stay on this planet is one day closer to the day we leave it. And those of us who don't go out feet first, will rise. We aren't guaranteed a definite stay. It's not like a motel where you know checkout time is 11:00.

Chad wasn't planning on leaving on Sept. 23, 1995. He probably had an agenda for that Saturday. But he left.
And that's my point. We span the gamut between preborn and 94. Some of us are in to cars and some into tatoos. Some of us like sushi. Some of us won't even eat a steak rare. But this we all have in common. We all will leave at one point or another. And this is my point. It COULD be May 21st, 2011. Or tomorrow morning. Or in 10 seconds.
But on this New Years Eve, I would like to ask you all to think about your lives. Have you asked Jesus to be the savior of your eternal life? The preserver of your soul?

The most wonderful gift God has given me, outside of His Son, is you. I don't want to leave you behind in 2010. Or in 2011. I don't want to leave you behind at all. I want to know that when the rapture takes place, those of us who are still walking this earth will join those of us who have gone on ahead. I want to know that the great times we have on Christmas day when all of us gather won't be over.

So if you haven't made that decision ( and you know who you are) PLEASE make it now. Tomorrow comes sooner than you think.

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